DCTF 2021 - Just In Time

Using frida to get decrypted flag.


Don't fall in (rabbit) holes


We get a binary which just prints Decryption finished.


Using ghidra, we can analyse the binary.

Inside the main of the binary we can see, that their is some binary content and multiple functions called with strncpy in between.

undefined8 main(int argc,char **argv)
  char *key_text;
  char *key_buffer;
  long lVar1;
  undefined8 cipher_0;
  undefined8 cipher_8;
  undefined8 cipher_16;
  undefined8 cipher_24;
  undefined4 cipher_32;
  undefined2 cipher_36;
  undefined cipher_38;
  char *buffer;
  char *key;

  key_text = (char *)malloc(8);
  key_buffer = (char *)read_key(*argv);
  cipher_0 = 0x486765792038261b;
  cipher_8 = 0x754b623167242872;
  cipher_16 = 0x747d4e603566227b;
  cipher_24 = 0x252f764e31333323;
  cipher_32 = 0x46313160;
  cipher_36 = 0x3123;
  cipher_38 = 0;
  cipher_text = (char *)malloc(0x27);
  puts("Decryption finished.");
  buffer = (char *)malloc(0x27);
  lVar1 = FUN_001011c5((char *)&cipher_0,key_text);
  buffer = (char *)FUN_001011c5(buffer,key_text);
  return 0;

I already renamed function and variables, to make it more readable for me. Basically, in the beginning the first 8 bytes from the binary are loaded, then our 'cipher' is initialized, and some XOR operations are done. After the output, their are again multiple XOR operations.

Sadly I tried to reimplement all the XOR operations and print the states of all the variables, between each step. But I didn't get the flag in time for the competition. After the competition I realized using GDB with PEDA, I could just debug. Because PEDA tries to print all parameters at calls, I get the args for every strncpy printed. And the third call had the flag.

Because I was interested, if this could be done more easily I tried to use frida. I found two methods, where I could get the flag pretty fast.

Using frida-trace

frida-trace ./justintime -i 'strncpy'

Or writing my own script and execute it using frida ./justintime -l exploit.js --no-pause

'use strict';

var baseAddr = Module.findBaseAddress('justintime');
var strncpy = Module.findExportByName(null, "strncpy");

Interceptor.attach(strncpy, {

    onEnter: function (args) {
        console.log('[+] Called strncpy @' + strncpy);
        console.log('[+] Dest: ' + args[0]);
        console.log('[+] Src: ' + args[1]); 
        console.log('[+] Len: ' + args[2]); 
        console.log('[+] Src Content: ' + Memory.readCString(ptr(args[1])));

All three methods lead me to the flag, which was.


DCTF 2021 - Pinch me

Buffer overflow to overwrite variable

Description This should be easy! nc dctf1-chall-pinch-me.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7480 Preface We got a binary file which asked us Am I dreaming? and with basic input prints then Pinch me! Overview Loading the binary into ghidra we can see, that the interaction happens in the function vuln void vuln(void) { char local_28 [24]; int local_10; int local_c Read More

DCTF 2021 - Baby bof

Buffer overflow and ret2libc

Description It's just another bof. nc dctf-chall-baby-bof.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7481 Preface We got a simple binary with output plz don't rop me and after our input plz don't rop me Also we got a Dockerfile, which showed us the used image was Ubuntu:20.04 Overview Based on the output, we know it was a rop challenge. Also checksec baby_bof gave us. Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Read More

DCTF 2021 - Pwn sanity check

Simple buffer overflow with ret2win.

Description This should take about 1337 seconds to solve. nc dctf-chall-pwn-sanity-check.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7480 Preface We get a simple binary, with simple input and output. Overview Looking at the binary in ghidra, I found these functions. void vuln(void) { char local_48 [60]; int local_c; puts("tell me a joke"); fgets(local_48,0x100 Read More

DCTF 2021 - Readme

Format String to dump the memory and get flag.

Description Read me to get the flag. nc dctf-chall-readme.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7481 Preface We get a binary which asks for our name and then prints hello + input. But in order for the binary to run, a file flag.txt needs to be created in the working directoy. Overview Decompiling the binary in ghidra, we see a function vuln where the logic happens. The decompiled function with some renaming of the variables looks like this: void vuln(void) { Read More

DCTF 2021 - Bell

Read number and run throught known function

Description Blaise's friends like triangles too! nc dctf-chall-bell.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 5311 Preface The function gives us a number and then waits for multiple inputs. Overview Loading the file into ghidra we can take a look at what happens. undefined8 main(void) { int iVar1; uint uVar2; time_t tVar3; tVar3 = time((time_t Read More

DCTF 2021 - Hotel rop

ROP chain with multiple function and then ret2win

Description They say programmers' dream is California. And because they need somewhere to stay, we've built a hotel! nc dctf1-chall-hotel-rop.westeurope.azurecontainer.io 7480 Preface We got a binary file with simple input and some output related to hotel checkIn. Overview Based on the name of the challenge, we can be certain, that some sort of rop is needed. Loading the binary into ghidra we can see our function vuln. void vuln(void) { char Read More
