Who are we? 

We_0wn_Y0u is a CTF team of mostly (former and present) students and lecturers from TU Wien and the University of Vienna. We are supported by SBA Research, as well as TU's SecPriv Group and UniVie's SEC Group.
Our roots go back to 2004 when we first participated in the iCTF. In the following years the team participated with motivated students from our "Advanced Internet Security" lecture. Nowadays we are independent of specific lectures, although some of us are still involved in teaching security at TU and UniVie.
We are always looking for motivated individuals that think hacking competitions are fun and want to learn something new/sharpen their skills. Check out our contact details below if you want to get in touch. If you are not sure yet, you can always enroll to one of our courses to find out if you like security as much as we do.
- Mail: c...@w0y.at
- Twitter: @we_0wn_y0u
- github: w0y